Monday, March 21, 2016

Attorney Steve Koeppel Enjoys Florida Water Sports

Attorney Steve Koeppel enjoys a wide range of hobbies on his down time. He enjoys fishing and diving in Florida, which has been a pastime of his since he was a young boy. One of the places where Steve Koeppel has spent time doing these activities is the Pine Island Sound.

A small area located off the coast of southwest Florida, Pine Island Sound is a popular site for snook, redfish and tarpon fishing. It is surrounded by the mainland and islands, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful boating or fishing trip.

There are also particularly good diving spots off Captiva Island at the north end of the sound. Since there are no companies that offer diving excursions there, it is necessary to find one on the mainland or go out on a boat for an independent dive. Marine life abounds, including sea otters, sea turtles, dolphins, and manatees.